Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Top 5 News Sources

Top 5 News Sources 

My Top 5 News Sources 

01 September 2021

#1 News Source 

    The number one place I go to for my news is instagram. As a young adult in this generation, I am on my phone a lot and spend a lot of my time scrolling through instagram. Every now and then I will come across a repost on someones story about the newest happenings in politics and will often click on the post and read more about it. Instagram even just recently added a feature correcting false information so you know the news you read is true and can find out more about it if you are interested. Not only can I find out more about the political world on instagram, but I also find news stories on the latest in sports, music and media. 

#2 News Source 

    The second place I find a lot of news articles is Twitter. When I'm not scrolling on Instagram, I am probably scrolling through twitter. Im not sure I would say twitter is a great source for all news but it is pretty easy to navigate and find articles on all aspect of news. Depending on the account you go to, it is easy to run into biased opinions on Twitter but its really up to you as to what you choose to believe. 

#3 News Source 


    My number three news source would have to be National Public Radio, more popularly known as NPR. NPR is a great news source to go for information on anything surrounding the world of politics. The site comes out with multiple articles a day keeping us up to date as to what is happening not only in politics, but also health and sciences, sports, and world events. 

#4 News Source 

    The fourth place I like to go for news is NBC News. I find NBC News to be a reliable and unbiased source that does not try to alter the beliefs and views of their followers. NBC is a good place to go to for more information on topics such as what's happening in the US today, what's going on in the world of politics, newest news on business and technology, and even news stories around the world. NBC is a great source to go to to find out about current events and is easy to just put on the TV when you want to now what's happening in the world today. 

#5 News Source

    My fifth news source would have to be CBS News. CBS is super easy to access, everyone with an iPhone gets the news app for free where CBS usually has one of the top stories. Its a great source for all things politics, science, health, money, technology, entertainment, and crime. Not only does CBS have a bunch of information about what's going on in the US, but there is even a plethora of information on CBS of different things happening around the world. I find it to be a pretty unbiased source to go to. 

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