Saturday, December 4, 2021

8 Values of Free Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression 

    Scholars will often discuss the eight values of free expression that the founders of our nation constructed. These eight theories come from the first amendment and each relate to the freedoms we all enjoy today. Below, I have briefly described each of these freedoms in order to give a better understanding as to why they are so important in our society today. 

1. Marketplace of Ideas John Milton came up with the concept for this first freedom of expression. This theory of his basically states that when truth is confronted with deception, truth will always win. 

2. Participation in Self Government Alexander Meiklejohn came up with this concept of participation in self governance. This value suggests that voters are more likely to choose a viable candidate if they know more about them and what they say in order to form a sound opinion. 

3. Stable Change This concept suggests that if people are able to freely speak their minds without worries of consequences, they would be less likely to resort to violence to get their point across. This also allows for the government to better monitor groups that may be potential threats. 

4. Individual Self-Fulfillment When individuals are able to freely express themselves through speech, they are thereby able to create their own identity.

5. Check on Government Power This concept of checks and balances allows citizens and the press alike to participate in the restraint of government power.

6. Promote Tolerance Society as a whole must become more tolerant of hate speech, therefore making us more tolerant to other norms and teaches us and learn from these upsetting discussions.

7. Promote Innovation This theory suggests that in a society where free speech is valued, it causes its citizens to inhabit more creativity allowing for a more innovated and diverse community.

8. Protect dissent This value protects minority views under the First Amendment. We as a society are meant to criticize the government and not allow it to have complete control over us. 

    Of these eight values of free expression, the one that resonates the most with me is individual self-fulfillment. This value in particular really resonates with me personally because I myself have always struggled in creating my own identity. This freedom gives individuals the right to speak up and express themselves freely without fear of consequences for doing so. This can be so helpful in developing ones own identity, something that I myself and so many young people especially have a hard time doing. A reason I believe that young people especially struggle with this idea of self-actualization is because so many adults are not willing to listen. There has always been the stigmatism that children should be seen and not heard and that can be really detrimental to the younger generation of these really smart and extremely talented people who have so much to share with the world if people would only give them a chance, although I do believe that we as a society are getting better in this aspect. This freedom of expression also gives us the ability to find a community in other people who share our values.

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