Monday, December 6, 2021

EOTO Communication Technology Timeline

 The Invention of the Printing Press

    Movable type was actually first created in China dating all the way back to the ninth century, but it was Johannes Gutenberg who was the one to perfect and popularize the printing press in 1450 which is how it got its nickname the Gutenberg Press. Gutenberg was in political exile from Mainz, Germany when he went to France where he started experimenting with printing in 1440. After many many years, he returned to Mainz with his invention perfected and ready to use within 10 years. 

    Gutenberg saw what was happening with movable type in China and came up with ideas as to how to he could perfect it and make it more accessible. In order to perfect his design, Gutenberg replaced the woodblock type invention used in China with metal and created printing blocks with each letter of the alphabet. He used the concept of replica casting to make the type available in large quantities and to various stages of printing. This concept called for the use of letters made in reverse followed by replicas made from those molds by pouring molten lead. It is believed by researcher that Gutenberg used a sand-casting system that used sand carvings to create the metal molds. The letters were created to fit together to form uniform, level lines and columns on flat matter. Another thing Gutenberg did to make this invention of the press work more seamlessly was make his own ink accustomed to attach to metal rather than wood. He also devised his own method for flattening printing paper by using a devise used to extract juice from crushed grapes in the wine making process. He repurposed this winepress into his design. Gutenberg's innovation lead him to perfect the his printing press in just 10 years, which would eventually lead to a sort of revolution of knowledge throughout Europe. 

    The Gutenberg Press had such a monumental impact on the world and was super influential in the spread of knowledge in Middle Age Europe. This invention allowed for the mass production of uniform printed matter such as text in the form of books, pamphlets, and newspapers, and for little cost. This helped to spread information widely, quickly, and accurately, causing a rapid spread of knowledge, literacy, and education throughout Europe. The printing press also made books widely accessible to anyone which caused an increase of children and adults who learned how to read. For the first time ever things like books were easily accessible to anyone who wanted them giving anybody the ability to learn things they were never able to before now.

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